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User : fatorc ( 0)
PHP Version : 5.3.28
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Directory :  e:/home/fatorc/Web/wp-content/plugins/redux-framework/ReduxCore/languages/

Upload File :
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]1f=.!D|~xWAActivate Demo ModeActivate Development PluginsActiveAdd %sAdd MoreAdd/Edit GalleryAllAll Defaults Restored!Allow trackingAre you sure?  Resetting will lose all custom values.Are you sure? Resetting will lose all custom values in this section.Are you sure? Resetting will lose all custom values.Author URLAutomatic action performed: "%s"Background AttachmentBackground ClipBackground OriginBackground PositionBackground RepeatBackground SizeBackup Font FamilyBorder styleBottomBrowserChangelogClear GalleryClick here to activate the sample config file.CloseCreditsDeactivate Demo ModeDeactivate Development PluginsDefaultDefault timezone is %s - it should be UTCDeleteDescriptionDeveloperDeveloper Mode EnabledDid you know we have extensions, which greatly enhance the features of Redux?  Visit our %1$s to learn more!DisableDismissDo not allow trackingDocsEmail addressEnableExpandExport OptionsExtensionsFont ColorFont FamilyFont SizeFont SubsetsFont VariantFont Weight &amp; StyleFont colorFont familyFont scriptFont styleFont subsetsFrom Get System ReportGetting StartedGoogle WebfontsHeightHelp improve Our PanelHere you can copy/download your current option settings. Keep this safe as you can use it as a backup should anything go wrong, or you can use it to restore your settings on this site (or any other site).HintsHome URLHoverIf so, please %1$s and consider making a %2$s to keep development of Redux moving forward.If you'd like to keep up to with all things Redux, please subscribe to our newsletterImportImport / ExportImport OptionsImport from URLInput the URL to another sites options set and hit Import to load the options from that site.Input your backup file below and hit Import to restore your sites options from a backup.LanguageLeftLetter SpacingLike Redux?Line HeightMust call in of after the "plugins_loaded" action.MySQL VersionNameNew %sNewsletterNo items of this type were found.No media selectedOffOnOptionsOptions ObjectOptions panel created using %1$sPHP Max Input VarsPHP Post Max SizePHP Time LimitPHP VersionPasswordPlease WaitRedux ExtensionsRedux FrameworkRedux Framework ChangelogRedux Framework has an embedded demo.Redux GeneratorRedux is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes and plugins.RegularRemoveRepoReset AllReset SectionRightSUHOSIN InstalledSave ChangesSection Defaults Restored!Select an itemSettings Imported!Settings Saved!Settings have changed, you should save them!Show Object in Javascript Console ObjectSite URLSizeStandard FontsStatusStyleSubscribeSubsetsSupportSystem InfoTeam ReduxText AlignText DecorationText TransformThe people that develop Redux FrameworkThe unknown action has been replaced with "%s"ThemeThis field cannot be empty. Please provide a value.This field must be a valid color value.This field must be a valid date.This panel demonstrates the many features of Redux.  Before digging in, we suggest you get up to speed by reviewing %1$s.TitleTo TopTransparentURLUnitsUnknown action "%1$s" specified for %2$sUploadUserUsernameVersionVersion %sView %sVisit plugin homepageVisitedWARNING! This will overwrite all existing option values, please proceed with caution!Want to get a head start? Use the %1$s. It will create a customized boilerplate theme or a standalone admin folder complete with all things Redux (with the help of Underscores and TGM). Save yourself a headache and try it today.Warning- This options panel will not work properly without javascript!Welcome to Redux FrameworkWelcome to Redux Framework %sWelcome to the Redux Demo PanelWhat's NewWidthWord SpacingWorking...You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.You have changes that are not saved.  Would you like to save them now?You have changes that are not saved. Would you like to save them now?You must not enter any HTML in this field, all HTML tags have been removed.You must not enter any special characters in this field, all special characters have been removed.You must provide a comma separated list of numerical values for this option.You must provide a numerical value for this option.You must provide a valid URL for this option.You must provide a valid email for this option.Your current options will be replaced with the values of this preset.  Would you like to proceed?Your current options will be replaced with the values of this preset. Would you like to proceed?clickingdonationerror(s) were found!extensions directoryhas the proper read/write permissions or enter your FTP information below.http://reduxframework.com availableleave us a favorable review on WordPress.orgmoving the mouse overour documentationwarning(s) were found!Project-Id-Version: Redux Framework
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启用演示模式启用开发插件激活添加%s添加更多添加/编辑 相册全部所有默认设置已恢复!允许追踪你确定要这样做? 重置将会抹掉当前所有设置数据值.你确定要这样做? 重置将会抹掉当前选区的所有设置数据值.你确定要这样做? 重置将会抹掉当前所有设置数据值.作者链接自动动作: "%s"背景附着方式背景片段背景定位背景位置重复背景背景尺寸备份字体源描边样式下浏览器修订历史清空相册点击此处启用演示配置文件.关闭鸣谢停用演示模式停用开发插件默认默认时区是 %s -默认为 UTC删除描述开发人员已启用开发模式你知道我们还有拓展插件吗? 这些插件将会极大拓展Redux设置面板的功能. 浏览我们的 %1$s 来了解更多!停用不再显示不允许追踪文档Email地址启用展开导出设置数据扩展字体颜色字体源字体尺寸字体子项字体多样性字体粗细样式字体颜色字体字体脚本字体样式字体子项从获取系统报告开始Google字体高度帮助改善我们的面板在此页面你可以复制/下载你当前的设置数据. 你可以以此作为备份以免发生任何错误, 或者你可以用来恢复此站点备份设置(或者其他网站设置).提示主站链接悬浮如果如此, 请 %1$s 与考虑 %2$s 来支持我们的开发.如果你想了解关于Redux的最新消息, 请订阅我们的内容吧.导入导入 / 导出导入选项从网址导入输入另外一个站点的设置数据URL, 然后点击导入来远程导入设置.在下方输入你的备份文件, 然后点击导入来恢复你的备份设置.语言左文字间距喜欢Redux?行高必须在"plugins_loaded"动作后执行.MySql版本名字新%s订阅没有找到符合条件的此类别项目.没有选择媒体关闭开启选项设置对象设置面板由 %1$s 提供开发PHP输入变量最大值PHP最大的POST尺寸PHP执行时间限制PHP版本密码请稍等Redux插件Redux 开发框架Redux Framework 更新日志Redux 开发框架有一个视频演示.Redux生成器Redux是一个简洁,可扩展的Wordpress主题和插件的设置框架.一般移除协议全部重置重置选区右SUHOSIN已安装保存更改选区的默认设置已恢复!选择一个项目设置数据已成功导入!成功保存设置!设置项已改变, 你应该立即保存!在Javsscript控制台显示对象网站链接尺寸标准字体状态样式d你个月子项支持系统信息Team Redux文字对齐方式字体装饰文字转变开发了Redux Framework的人此位置的动作将会被  "%s" 代替主题此项不能为空. 请提供一个有效的值.此项必须填写一个有效的颜色值.此项必须填写一个有效的日期.此演示数据面板包含了许多Redux的特性. 在深入了解前, 我们建议你先浏览 %1$s 来帮助你提高开发速度.标题到上透明URL部件%2$s 挂载的未知动作 "%1$s" 上传用户用户名版本%s版本查看%s访问插件主页访问警告! 此动作将会复写所有当前设置数据值, 请小心使用!想立即开始? 使用 %1$s. 它将会创建一个自定义的主题或者一个标准的管理员文件夹(由Undersocres与TGM提供). 节省你大量时间, 立即尝试下吧.警告! 若没有javascript, 这个设置区域将不能正常工作.欢迎使用Redux Framework欢迎使用Redux Framework %s欢迎来到Redux演示数据面板有什么新的宽度词组间距处理中...您没有足够的权限访问该页面。你还未保存更改. 需要立即保存吗?你修改了某些设置项. 需要立即保存吗?你不能在此填写任何HTML代码, 所有HTML代码将会被移除.你不能在此填写任何特殊文字符号, 所有特殊文字符号将会被移除.你必须填写一列由英文逗号分隔的数字串.你必须填写一个有效的数字值.你必须填写一个有效的URL地址.你必须填写一个有效的电子邮件地址.你当前的设置将会被现在的更改所覆盖. 确定继续?你当前的设置将会被现在的更改所覆盖. 确定继续?点击捐赠找到错误信息!插件列表有合适的读/写权限或者在下面输入您的FTP信息.http://reduxframework.com可用在WordPress.org给我们点赞吧将鼠标移动到上面说明文档找到警告信息!

Anon7 - 2021